Day Trips & Activities
Century Tours was founded by partners Andy Fittes and Katie Love (a soon to be husband and wife team!).
Combining their passion for travel and events with the skills and knowledge gained through their respective careers, building the business has been a source of immense pride over the past few years. They now work with a team of trusted partners to create, plan and deliver exceptional experiences for their clients.
Day Trips & Activities!
Century Tours was founded by partners Andy Fittes and Katie Love (a soon to be husband and wife team!).
Combining their passion for travel and events with the skills and knowledge gained through their respective careers, building the business has been a source of immense pride over the past few years.
They now work with a team of trusted partners to create, plan and deliver exceptional experiences for their clients.
High Tea at Highgrove
Highgrove is the private home of Their Majesties The King Charles III and The Queen Consort. The Gardens are available for group visits between April and October every year to allow visitors to
share Their Majesties’ enjoyment of this much-loved, inspirational place.
The series of interlinked gardens have been created over some 40 years and reflect The King’s natural artistic ability – designed, as The King says, to “please the eye and sit in harmony with nature”. From the classic order of the Cottage Garden to the pastoral beauty of the Wildflower Meadow, there are highlights in every season. A landscape which was once simply lawn has been transformed into a magnificent, ever-changing canvas.
Discover the gardens’ delights, along with hidden curios and horticultural innovations, on a tour that
offers a rare glimpse into the life of HM The King Charles III.